In theatre, for a moment that moves the stillness among play, from silence for thought, with all tumult, with all barbarity, with all desecrated hope (yet still hope), the likeness is a similarity to what draws us to what is. I am like that image identified to reveal you are like that character; we are like each other as other drawn to the creation—the work for identity drawing you to you to us to them from and to the good. The likeness is not the same. They are one. The variation of us into one: the creation of character by revelation flooded with empathy and gutted with objectivity.
They draw you from what is only yours. I am already drawn away. The identification of your surrender; I am surrendered: my likeness thinks the silence connecting yourself away from yourself, striving for oneness, creating us into the art and its meaning; to fail and to still be like.
The identified likeness is an invasion into you and a careful surrendering unto you. The duality undermined by its revelatory connection—the drawing of character to image, moving each of our likenesses to be like what is drawing us to the good, which is the good: like from like; one from one; good from good to good.