The motion of theatre is the stillness of moment unto the moment that stills—the Character of Image engaging with the stillness in the moment by language shaping body into image; play.
Language and body encapsulate each other to strive together for the constant shape (the sideways encapsulation, the upward striving) that gathers into growth. Movement is not simply a circle; it does not repeat its cycle: it begins anew. Movement is not simply straight; it does not leave the old behind: it returns to it.
To return, the Character of Image empties themselves into their body’s language shaped to move the moment beyond the stillness, constantly engaged with what may be filling until the final confrontation of their emptiness. Does it fill? Should it fill? So they move.
The engagement elicits a confrontation to change (the changing theatre). The mover stills the moment to confront the changed: their Character of Image: the invisible confronting the visible among the shapes of language upon the body that visibly engage the invisible—the very stillness of the moment: the cause of their moving: the unmoved, tracing their movement unto the moment that stills (the unmoved).
So they move.