Breathed all in all: the Advocate is from the word—the singular expression of the Image synthesizing the Character to reform sound. The Character of Image undermines the strewn and scattered words as babble and clarifies them to their word. Theatre divulges intimacy. Therefore, theatre is not a protest. Theatre is not a revolt. Theatre is not a rebellion. Theatre conforms—divulging the synthesis of the objectively valuable: word sounded all in all.

The Advocate is sent from the Height through Word reforming the Character of Image among theatre who are conformed unto release. The release simplifies the perplexities, yet still perplexes, almost undone by the paradox, because it yearns for the value it cannot conform to until the Advocate speaks by the word.

The word is divulged. The theatre amplifies it. Shocked upon the non-conformist identity. Word amplified still, conforming, conforming, conforming the paradox spreading the value that requires the bearing of burdens, releases what is borne. The theatre comes unto the word in all temptation to control and manipulate the reformation and remain stuck in the identicalness and mimicry of non-conformity. It seems unique. It is false. Released from the manipulation by the particular sound breathed—almost soundless. A clear and concise synthesis of the moment advocating its expression. A still and small and simple voice. A sheer unity.