Ian Kent

Bodily Soul

The collapse is a dispersal into acceptance. The fall is a narrow plunge away…

Willed to Sacrifice

For the crisis to be offered, the collapse is offered—simultaneous crisis…

Sustaining a Weakness

The craft of the theatre artist creates the presence of the impulse. Weakness…

The Collapse is the Offering

Proem1 From the aspect of theatre artists, the impulse wills certain actions…

A Line Placed

The space of theatre is the stage. And what is upon the stage. And what is…

A Pause, A Reflection

To discuss art generally and theatre specifically by exploring their phenomenon…

Forbidden Real

The space of theatre is intimate, accessible almost by touch; yet, what is…

Absurd Actual

The simile is a frayed rope that is stitched stronger in a comparison tenuously…

The Faith of Failure

I claim to be the greatest marshmallow roaster of my generation. Nay, of all…

The Nature of Art

When my father, Gerry Kent, was climbing on the first guided ascent of the…