One Act

Act IV: Ian and Ian

IAN sits at the cluttered table. IAN crouches by the window. Silence. IAN:…

Act III: Conundrum

Flowers are everywhere, which of course is the obvious nature of the place…

Act II: Crown All Thorns

Dusty ground almost clouded. A crown of thorns within it. THE SECOND casually…

Act I: Pillow

PERSONING and PERSONAL stand and/or slouch, perhaps sit, in the frame of a…

Sultry Fellowship

A crowded enclave. People shouting for joy, hurling abuses. Two Sultry Fellows…

Forbidden Real

The space of theatre is intimate, accessible almost by touch; yet, what is…

Absurd Actual

The simile is a frayed rope that is stitched stronger in a comparison tenuously…

A Fantastic, Brief Symbol

Theatre is borne along the vanishing moment. Its imagery is captured briefly…