Theatre Theory


Sense is the surface tension of union. It is a motive power of a mere moment…


The body is intrinsic movement. Without movement the body cannot change and…


The theatre, the drama, the conflicting of forms upon form revealing the live…

We are Exposed

The unity of the Character of Image is such a fierce and weak intermingling…

Other Being

The Character of Image reveals who they are outside of themselves so their…

The Revelation of Lineage

The non-linear opposes the line by undermining the line exposing the…

I Owe

If the theatre artist is broken, subjugated and stricken, the spectator must…

Completely, Utterly

  The oneness is a togetherness, the difference in the oneness. The…

Sustaining a Weakness

The craft of the theatre artist creates the presence of the impulse. Weakness…

The Collapse is the Offering

Proem1 From the aspect of theatre artists, the impulse wills certain actions…