Ian Kent

Unmoved and Unspoken

Language distinguishes itself in forms of being. They conflict upon the stage…

We are Exposed

The unity of the Character of Image is such a fierce and weak intermingling…

Truth Like This

The Character of Image makes life of space, of nearly nothing, of a secret…

The Allusion Calls

Space uninhabited prophesies the habitation—the movement towards the…

Other Being

The Character of Image reveals who they are outside of themselves so their…

The Revelation of Lineage

The non-linear opposes the line by undermining the line exposing the…

Sultry Fellowship

A crowded enclave. People shouting for joy, hurling abuses. Two Sultry Fellows…

I Submit

I must break—be broken; weakness submitted; the being of brokenness: my pride…

I Owe

If the theatre artist is broken, subjugated and stricken, the spectator must…

Completely, Utterly

  The oneness is a togetherness, the difference in the oneness. The…